Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Ideas begin to take shapes as realities. I have been thinking about staying in Dharamsala. Perhaps not long, but longer than the group. Staying here instead of going back to Thailand. In terms of time money it is really rather inconsequential where I stay, it is all a matter of personal comfort, and I feel really good here. There are so many avenues I would like to dive deeper into, so many ways I could really be beneficial and so many things to learn here. Worth spending some extra time... It is still India, however... Need to think about it more.

what a day what a day what a day... Gold mines and experiences that have really shaken me up and made me question my intuition. What is this place? All the shifting. All the seeming like a great magical place and then seeing it for what it is... maybe not so great, a false prophet, the good mixed with the mundane, the typical and the predatory.  But it is still a great place encompassing all that, because it really makes me face my shit. It really forces me to be intentional and careful and mindful. Forces me to be strong and to protect myself. Protect my awe and wonder. Protect my innocence. Protect my belief and only extend it in truly worthy moments... but it this the way to go? For India I think so.

1 comment:

  1. I assume you can change the air ticket to return to Thailand at a later date?
