Seeing as I am here typing and not on a mountain right now you may conclude that I did not finish the trek. We hiked 17k today and by the time I got up there I was in pretty bad shape. It didn't really hit until that last little bit, though. Up until then it was beautiful! I love being up in the mountains. I had no idea how much I've missed nature and quiet traveling in India for nearly a month now. A little disappointed to not be up there now, but then again, if I were I would likely still be experiencing the worst migraine and other mind altering experiences.
Perhaps I'll try again some day, or get up for some day hikes. I'll have plenty of time... which brings me to this... I'm staying in India. I'm not flying back to Thailand just yet, but rather I plan to stay here for awhile. I'd like to stay in Dharamsala and go deeper in this wonderful place, and a friend I met who just came from the south recommended some places in the south. We'll see how adventurous I get. Wow... I can't believe I'm staying in India.
you know...india has a way of keeping you, i'm glad to hear your doing well, stay grounded and centered, i'm sending you lots of love. You know the Oneness University is pretty much giving away the Deeksha givers courses now,i think you only have to take care of meal cost and the rest is taken care of, also the oneness temple is open, and its quite a site to behold. So if your in Tamil Nadu, and interested in doing a week long meditation, let me know, and i'll get you the information.