Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Its raining in Thailand?

There have been short downpours the last few days here. That is pretty unheard of in January in Thailand, the rainy season starts in July usually, and it is dry the rest of the time. Perhaps we brought the rain from washington with us? The permies at the Panya Project, a permaculture farm somewhere between Chiang Dao and Chiang Mai that we visited yesterday were pretty stoked about it.
I'm feeling a little depressed today. Not for any particular reason, just experiencing one of the sides of the natural ebb and flow. Perhaps what is natural has gotten incredibly out of whack through all this transition. I'm sure I'll bounce back soon enough, I just feel pretty out of my element. Interpersonal relations between me and the group aren't fantastic, and there is one person who has taken a rather personal disliking to me. I don't think this would bother me if I were in more of a place of power, but I'm not exactly in my comfort zone.
Tomorrow Alex is taking me on a day trip to go to a shamanic temple and see a shaman for my project. I'm pretty excited, no idea what that'll be like.
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